Stephen and I went out for tapas at Málága on Valentine's day. I'm disappointed my pictures didn't turn out very well. It was really dark and there were rose petals everywhere.

Almogrote de Alcachofas (Spinach & Artichoke spread)
Pretty standard but the artichokes were especially good. Also everything came on this tiered platter thing and it was really hard to stick your hand and fork in between the layers to scoop the spread out and onto a crustini.

Calamares Rebozados (Calamari)
I was watching food network over christmas break and one chef (Giada? Bobby?) said that calamari are incredibly smart, almost as smart as dolphins and that he or she feels bad sometimes for cooking them. It's so smooth and wonderful to eat though so whatever. The breading on these was kind of soggy though. The garlic aioli made up for it though. I'm done writing this paragraph but I want to end one more sentence with 'though' though.

Spanish Potatoes
Roasted red potatoes with lots of rosemary and paprika. This is the first thing we finished so that means they were delicious. But they were also really difficult to get out of the tapas tower.

Texas Quail Legs
These were our favorite. I I've read Frank Bruni describe these as little meat lollipops, and while I certainly understand what he means, I don't really care for the term. They were more like really fancy wings to me. I want more.
Stephen's comment is "I liked how everything came with a different sauce."