This is an Otis Spunkmeyer cookie. In my experience, these nasty cookies taste good in only three places: middle school cafeterias, where your taste buds are too young to know better, the cancer center at the hospital, where the sickeningly sweet flavor actually manages to get your mind off of cancer for a while, and at work, where you feel so sorry for yourself that taste hardly matters.

Cipolina 11-10-06
Friday night Maggie and I ate at Cipolina, an Italian Bistro over on West Lynn. I had a Mediterranean salad and she had a lamb sandwich. Both were excellent. The lemon-oregano vinaigrette was right on the money. I love kalamata olives, so I wish there had been more. They were thrown on top of the lettuce in a clump like an afterthought. The single slice of tomato was really dry, like it had been sliced and sitting on the counter all day. And to top it off, there was a cute, long crouton with melted parmesan all over it that I saved for dessert, because I love bread. The restaurant atmosphere was nice, with soft lights and friendly looking people with "unseen wind" hairdos (use your imagination). For Friday night, it wasn't very crowded at all. There was a huge dance floor but we got there too early for that. All of the employees are boys who are, in Maggie's words, "bookishly foxy." (At first I had quoted her as saying "brutally foxy," which doesn't make any sense. No Maggie, I don't think you are Cher Horowitz. As if.) She expanded on this by saying, "See that one? He just finished reading Ulysses." I asked, "how do you know?" and she replied, "I can see it in his eyes." The menu had several things I want to go back and try, but the salad was so good that I will probably end up ordering it again.

P.Terry's Hamburger Stand 11-11-06
This afternoon Maggie and I decided to sautée some broccoli. As soon as it was done, her roommate called and asked if we wanted to eat at P.Terry's with them. We ditched the broc. and got to the burgers as fast as we could. The burger was awwweeesome. The fries were a little limp, but still tasty. P.Terry's is a drive-thru/walk up, and we sat at the picnic table outside, which was really nice, but a little cold. I was a vegetarian for five years, and just started eating meat again recently. This has been my second hamburger since coming out of the vegetarian phase, and I have to say, I never realized how wonderful they were before. They are amazingly filling but not in a really disgusting way. I think there are a lot more burgers in my future.
Otis Spunkmeyer cookies are my favorite. Especially the ones with cranberries. Since you think my favorites are disgusting, might you suggest a delicious cookie?
i ate the broc 2day and it was nasty!!! mind you it has been in my fridge since sat! just basting in olive oil. It felt like worms in my mouth!
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