I don't eat Chipotle that much when I'm at home for several reasons. For one thing, I usually eat three meals a day here instead of cramming them all into one like I do when I'm in Austin. For another, Chipotle is a personal thing that I like to eat by myself and there are usually at least nine people at dinner here. Finally, the Chipotle's in Dallas SUCK. They are truly awful. As soon as I finish this post I am going to e-mail Chipotle and complain.
Okay so, I ate Chipotle the other day in Dallas. Actually Becky and I were visiting Matthew and his mom and his new apartment in Irving and we decided that's what we should have for lunch. So we went on a wild goose chase through Irving (actually not really thanks mom my memory is impeccable) and found one. EWWW. It was like walking in to Chipotle's evil twin. It didn't even smell right. I didn't completely lose faith until I watched the girl making my burrito completely ruin it while trying to wrap it and squeezing all of its guts out and ripping the tortilla. I had to ask three times (and two different people) for a bowl to throw the disgusting mess she made into. I'm so mad. I'm going to email them right now. Never go to Chipotle on Beltline in Irving.
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