Monday, October 27, 2008

Sugar Cafe

Sugar Cafe

The other night I ate at Sugar Cafe, conveniently located at Allen and Houston about a block and a half away from Sunshine Cinema. The movie we were seeing was sold out, so we got tickets to a later show and had a chance to eat a nice dinner as well.

Turkey and Brie Sandwich

This sandwich was pretty awesome, consisting of hot smoked turkey, melted brie, green apple and honey mustard on whole wheat bread. The apple slices were thin, and the brie was warm, and there was just a tiny bit of honey mustard. The turkey was delicious, and had those salty crunchy warm spots that canadian bacon gets when you leave it on the stove the perfect amount of time.

The fries were the best fries I've had in a very long time. They were definitely fried twice, like all good french fries, and were not too salty, and were very crunchy. Maggie agrees that they are really good.

Also, this whole plate was $8, which is cheap considering the neighborhood and the amount of brie on the sandwich.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ariana's Birthday at Bijoux

Long time no blog. But as many of you know, I recently relocated to da NYC and I'm gonna get back in the bloggin game. My first blog back is about my last meal in Dallas. I moved to NY on a Tuesday, and the Monday before was Ariana's birthday, which happened to coincide with Restaurant Week. So her wonderful mother, Angela, took us to Bijoux, "A Refined Upscale Dallas Restaurant with a Contemporary French Menu."

Amuse Bouche

We started with this tasty little treat: A slice of cucumber topped with little bits of watermelon, a dollop of blue cheese and a little watercress. I think cucumber is pretty much the most foul vegetable and is nearly impossible to make it taste good, but this totally ruled. I guess because it mostly tasted like watermelon and blue cheese. And surprisingly, the delicate flavors of the cucumber and watermelon weren't masked by the strong blue cheese either.

Crispy Pork Belly

Dannng. I took one bite of this and started crying my eyes out! Honestly, not because it was so good, although it was. I was crying because I had a root canal that morning, and was very carefully trying to only chew on the left side of my mouth. Unfortunately I bit down really hard on the right side where the root canal was, and I haven't experienced that much (physical) pain in years. After regrouping in the bathroom for 5 minutes, I returned to the rest of my pork belly. It tasted like bacon, but with a completely soft, melt-in-your-mouth texture. I could eat this every day if money and cholesterol weren't issues.

Truffled Risotto

Hell YEAH! At long last, Jenny G ate some black truffles. 22 years in the making, right? This was extremely rich and decadent and I had a hard time eating all of it, tooth problems aside. But I suffered through it! Truffles taste like clean dirt and I can't believe that people pay thousands of dollars per pound for these things. I am so glad I finally got to try it, for real. Now I can really relate to real food critics, which brings me one step closer to my goal of one day being the restaurant critic for the NYT.

Cherry Sorbet

This was a little pre-dessert course. It was pretty tasty, but half melted when it arrived and extremely hard to get out of the bowl.

Chocolate Mousse with Passion Fruit Sauce

The Chocolate Mousse was encased in a hard chocolate shell, like a really fancy klondike bar. It was delicious, and the passion fruit sauce was the perfect tart balance to the rich chocolate. yummmmm. I should also add that my cell phone memory got full of pictures so that is why I have this crappy picture that Duane Reade totally cropped all funky so you can barely see the dessert that should be perfectly centered in the pic.


This is the plate of pretty pastries the pastry chef sent out at the end. Some of them were pretty weird. Ariana, her mom and I all wanted to try each one so we bit these already bite sized treats into thirds. The one that was like a peach gummy bear was my favorite. Sorry about the cropping again. Totally not my fault.

Ariana's Birthday Picture

They put a candle on her plate! She got pana cotta. Angela got the pancetta and blue cheese dessert, which I unfortunately did not get a picture of. I am all about bacon/pancetta for dessert though. Look how pretty Ariana is!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Málága for V day

Stephen and I went out for tapas at Málága on Valentine's day. I'm disappointed my pictures didn't turn out very well. It was really dark and there were rose petals everywhere.

Almogrote de Alcachofas (Spinach & Artichoke spread)

Pretty standard but the artichokes were especially good. Also everything came on this tiered platter thing and it was really hard to stick your hand and fork in between the layers to scoop the spread out and onto a crustini.

Calamares Rebozados (Calamari)

I was watching food network over christmas break and one chef (Giada? Bobby?) said that calamari are incredibly smart, almost as smart as dolphins and that he or she feels bad sometimes for cooking them. It's so smooth and wonderful to eat though so whatever. The breading on these was kind of soggy though. The garlic aioli made up for it though. I'm done writing this paragraph but I want to end one more sentence with 'though' though.

Spanish Potatoes

Roasted red potatoes with lots of rosemary and paprika. This is the first thing we finished so that means they were delicious. But they were also really difficult to get out of the tapas tower.

Texas Quail Legs

These were our favorite. I I've read Frank Bruni describe these as little meat lollipops, and while I certainly understand what he means, I don't really care for the term. They were more like really fancy wings to me. I want more.

Stephen's comment is "I liked how everything came with a different sauce."

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Anamia's "Denny Ray" Dinner

Ok so Anamia's is this mexican & tex-mex restaurant in Coppell. Everyone in Coppell goes there on Friday nights. The only people I know that like it are Landle and Annick. Oh and John. It isn't terrible, but this is Texas and amazing Mexican food is not hard to find But anyway. I went with Annick's family last Friday night and it was insanely busy. It took forever to get our food. And I got this Denny Ray thing, which means a chicken enchilada (left), a cheese enchilada (middle) and a cheese taco (right). It was your standard suburban restaurant quality food.

Pretzel crusted chicken

I guess I'm just obsessed with fried chicken this year. So this is what you need to make this:

1 egg, beaten
chicken breast
crushed pretzels
salt and pepper

salt and pepper the chicken. coat the chicken in the egg and then dip it in the crushed pretzels. Fry it in a pan with hot vegetable oil for 4-5 minutes on each side.

You would think the pretzels would make it exceptionally salty but it totally doesn't. Also it makes it a lot crunchier than regular fried chicken, which I like. Also I've been eating pepperocinis with my fried to chicken to make it taste even saltier. This is really easy to make, I recommend it.

Hoa Hoa Chicken in Garlic Sauce

After our radio meeting Wednesday, some of the other directors and I went to Hoa Hoa, an amazing Chinese restaurant in Dobie Mall. The last time I went to this restaurant was freshmen year when I was a vegetarian, so I decided I ought to get a meat dish this time to try something new. But after we got our food I regretted that big time because the tofu there is sooo good. Also, I think it's weird that when you order meat at Chinese restaurants you don't get any vegetables, but when you order tofu you get beautiful broccoli and carrots. Anyway the chicken was delicious and it came with a ton of mushrooms (are they technically a vegetable?) and I gave most of them to Lace, but I ate some too because I am trying to teach myself to like them.

Hoa Hoa is the best deal ever. You get soup, a spring roll and an entree for about six dollars and you'll definitely have enough food left over to take home for...leftovers.


On Friday Lace and I got a pizza for lunch and I ate almost all of this pepper, only the seeds were left. And Lace dared me to eat it. So I did! And it actually tasted better than the rest of the pepper. I think this is because it had been soaking in water for so long that they lost some of their heat. Anyway it was awesome.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Chicken Fried Bacon

Chicken Fried Chicken

This is the first time I ever attempted to make chicken fried chicken and it turned out really well. I looked all over the internet for a good recipe to follow. Most recommend only using eggs and flour for the coating. My mom suggested not even using egg to make it the way her mom used to make it. That sounds pretty good but I decided to use crushed saltine crackers. It tasted the same as when you just use flour but with ten times as much salt, which I like. I would go so far as to say it is one of the best chicken fried chickens I've ever had. And I'm pretty pleased that I know how to make it myself now.

Landon's Bacon

Later that night I taught Landon how to make bacon. I didn't tell him this but in general I tend to undercook bacon. I am so afraid that I will overcook it that I stop too soon and it isn't very crispy. Landon's problem, on the other hand, is overcooking it. So together it ended up looking pretty perfect. Then he used it to make this sandwich

Mustard Bacon Sandwich

I've never seen someone put as much mustard on a sandwich as Landle put on this. Beneath the bacon the bread was smothered in it, and on the other side he spelled out "BLOG" in mustard, just for you, EYTO readers.

Poll: how much mustard do you like on your sandwich?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Here are a few notable alcholic beverages from my winter break so far.

Palais de Versailles

One evening the twins and I were browsing the mega liquor store (think Spec's in the suburbs of Dallas) and we couldn't agree on what to get. Mandy wanted wine, Meri wanted liquor, I wanted champagne. We spotted this in the champagne section and continued saying the name in our best french accents well into the vodka section. So we went back and got it. It was okay, it wasn't that memorable and I know nothing about alcohol so I don't really know what else to say. But isn't this picture awesome? Meri made fun of me for liking the way her sink looked full of dirty dishes. I just like it when you can see the food (or drink) in the environment/context in which it was consumed.


That night we also got Goldschlager, or cinnamon schnapps. I had never had it before and I like it. We drank it with Dr. Pepper and I think the cinnamon really elevated the flavor of the Dr. Pepper, which makes me wonder if cinnamon is one of the 23 flavors in Dr. Pepper. The first picture shows the liquid chilling in the fridge (duh). The second shows it in a cup mixed with the Dr. Pepper, which I like because you can see the gold flecks in it.

Poll: Do you believe the rumor that the gold flecks in Goldschlager make microscopic cuts in your throat when you swallow it, causing your body to absorb the alcohol faster? Comment with your answer!!!!!!

Magnolia Shiner Bucket

So at the Magnolia you can buy one Shiner for $3.75 or 4 for $10. Besides the fact that you save like, $5 for doing this, you also get to carry your beer around in this awesome bucket. So obviously Landle and I did that last week when we were there. Shiner in a bottle is good beer, but Shiner in a bucket is a gift from God.