Benny's Jalapeno Bagel with Jalapeno Cream Cheese
I had to get up at the crack of dawn this morning for an incredibly unsuccessful doctor's appointment. I had to sit in the waiting room for an hour before I got to go back there. I woke up feeling a little sick to my stomach, but by the time I was out of there I was starving. Luckily, Benny's Bagels, the only independently owned bagel shop in the Dallas area that I know of, is en route from my doctor's office to my home. So I went in, and they were out of EVERYTHING except blueberry. But then he found a jalapeno bagel. So I asked for light cream cheese and he said they were out of that too but he did have jalapeno. I went for it, even though I felt a little weird about being so matchy-matchy. Then I paid with cash which was stupid because he didn't have any one dollar bills and now I have four dollars in quarters and dimes. Anyway, the bagel was good. Benny's are weird though. For one thing they aren't shaped like bagels. they are like skinny ovals. I don't think there were any pieces of jalapenos in my bagel and the cream cheese was mostly red bell pepper and not jalapeno either. But it still tasted good, I was too hungry to care about not getting what I expected, and really, you can't go wrong with bread and cheese ever, but especially for breakfast.

Moose Tracks/Whatever you want to call it
This is my brother in law's favorite holiday treat, and I like it too, so I was happy to make it this evening. It's just semi-sweet chocolate, peanut butter, crispix, and powdered sugar. I'm pretty sure everyone in the world has had it. Crispix is the best cereal in the world.

Chocolate Cookies
I watched Jack make these tonight. I tend to get in the way more than I help her in the kitchen, but I'm eager to learn as much as I can before I enroll in the culinary academy. They are very good, very soft and chocolatey. We made a ton of them, so I don't know what we're going to do with them because we definitely don't need them. Also eating more than one cookie makes me feel really awful, the equivalent of eating a candy bar for breakfast (I say this quite often to describe the worst feeling your stomach can get that isn't a going-to-throw-up feeling). She got the recipe from a friend that always makes good cookies.
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