Central Market Apple Cider Sample
We made the trip to Central Market for the sole purpose of buying apple cider. So we got there and ohmygod it was so busy. Like the worst shopping experience I've ever had. But as we made our way through the produce section we stumbled upon the warm apple cider dispenser which lightened the mood for sure. It wasn't very warm though, and when it isn't warm it gets too sour for my taste. But we bought it, and fully plan on letting it stew around in the crock pot for hours and hours before consumption.

I was in a pretty bad mood tonight, but my dad decided to make breakfast for dinner and that is always a good thing. Fizz is a master at the grill and the griddle. His waffles are by far superior, but I'll take what I get. I couldn't eat anything but the pancakes, but everything else made the kitchen smell pretty good. I gave Maggie her fair share of bacon and made Cricket watch on with jealousy.

Steak and Cheese Taquito
Mark and I went to the Mavericks game tonight, and since they scored more than 100 points, they were passing out coupons for free taquitos from 7-11 at the exits. So naturally, we went to 7-11 right away. We had pretty horrible timing though, as the 7-11 in Coppell gets slammed with 16 year olds who just got their driver's licenses and are only allowed to drive down the street around 11p.m. So we waited for ten minutes while the brace faces paid for their slurpees. I wanted the jalapeno one, and they had two spinning around on the thing, but the girl looked at them and said, "uh, you don't want this." So Mark and I both went for the Steak and Cheese. It had a kick to it, probably just some tobasco, but Mark is sure there were jalapenos. This was my first taquito experience ever, and I wasn't turned off. I don't think I will ever go to 7-11 to get a taquito again though, unless it's with my brother after a Mavericks game and we have free coupons.

Cheesy Gordita Crunch
One taquito is pretty weak if you haven't eaten in four hours. It's just enough to make you hungry. So we went to Taco Bell and got this thing Stephen's been telling me about: the Cheesy Gordita Crunch. My brother told me what it was, and I decided to go for it. I'm pretty sure that between the "steak" taquito and the CGC, I had five different kinds of rat meat, but I'm totally cool with that. C'est la vie. The anatomy of a CGC is as follows (from outside in): tortilla, cheese, crispy taco shell, rat meat, lettuce, cheese, special sauce. Very interesting. I'm not sure if I would get it again just because I felt like I ate a brick aferwards. But it tasted just fine, and that brick in my stomach could have just as easily been from the taquito.
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